Embrace Womanhood in Our Life

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International Woman’s Day is coming soon, 8th March 2014. How do we embrace ourselves in this celebration? Being a Wonder Woman in current era is not an easy task. These days women are more multitasking and being more empowered in decision making in workplace and family. The UN theme for International Women's Day 2014 is "Equality for Women is Progress for All”. Some non-government organizations consider the official recognition of International Women's Day as an important reminder of women's role in the society. Thus we have the upper hand to become independent and received recognition of our rights.

Social media and press play huge influence towards young woman these days.  Women are expected to carry themselves in certain portrayed image by the society. Such influence may be positive whereby we can cultivate independency and empowerment. Some may be negative influence such as sexual exploitation and perverse standards which leads to insecurity and inferior. Yes, perhaps we may not inherit beautiful face like Angelina Jolie or Victoria Secret’s body. All of us comes in different sizes and shapes in terms of physical appearance. Some women have higher earning power in corporate and some earn lesser. Some are more popular than others. There is no perfection in everything because definition of “perfect” differs for everyone. 

Is there a time where you are dissatisfied with your appearance? Or is there a time where you regretted for decision you made in the past? Or is there a time where you could have turn back your clock and strife for more? The answer is “Dont Be”. It is never too late to pick yourself up and move forward.
So how do we embrace ourselves in every aspect?

1.       Physical appearance
If you have a hooded eyes or crooked nose, embrace it because this is you being a unique person. God creates you individually. There is nothing you can do about it unless spending thousand bucks for cosmetic surgery. Chances of getting your preferred outcome may not be as what you expected.  If you think you are unfit or overweight, have a routine work out that keeps you stay in shape. Consult your trusted personal trainer or even read up some fitness book. Make a habit to eat healthy. Invest a good skin care/facial regime. When you are healthy and fit, you will feel good and able to encourage and take care of others as well. Sign up a grooming or personal makeup class. Have a makeover according to your features. Not all makeup application is the same. You need to identify your face features. Dress up according to your body shape and appropriately. Always be comfortable with yourself. You are not trying to gain acknowledgment and acceptance from society.

2.       Renewed mind
Our mind is our No.1 factor to determine and affect our thoughts and decision making. We need to renew our mind everyday with encouragement. We cannot avoid disappointment in our life. But we can choose not to be discouraged. If you are suffering from low self esteem or perhaps you need guidance/advice in your life, career, family, finance etc, do get support from your family and trusted friends be it from workplace, school, churches etc. Read up self help books and enrol motivational seminar. Get rid of the word “weird” which referring to you. Instead, you are special in God’s eye. Trash out your pride, strife, jealousy, greed and self centred mindset. Respect and treat others well as how you want to be treated. A daily reminder for us (even though we love comparison): DO NOT COMPARE with others. Stay AWAY from grapevine at work place. Be responsible and dedicated at work as an employee. As an employer, treat your staff well and reward them accordingly for they have work hard to earn living. Be generous and kind to one another.

3.       Relationship
Forgive those who hurt or betrayed your trust and offended your feeling. Get rid of bitterness and resentment because it will consume you physically, emotionally and mentally. If you have a relationship that you need to reconcile, do  it now. Then the burden or excess baggage will be removed from your shoulders. You are set free and able to move forward. If you have conflicts with your parents, please bear in mind that they have raised you up and they may not be with you forever. If you have fought with your best friend, call and apologies because sincere and genuine friendship takes times to build. Respect and love your spouse. Submit to your husband accordingly as he is the leader of the family. Always compromise in a relationship. Truly, we are Wonder Woman today but we must be subtle and feminine in certain ways when you are in relationship with surrounding people. It may not be easy but it can be learn and done. 

4.       Savings
Compared to those days, women have to depend on their spouse to be the sole provider for the family. As for today, we have the capability to work and support ourselves. However this does not mean that we can squander all our hard earn savings. As a woman whether you are married or single, a back up funds is important. Be thrifty and keep track towards your spending. Women are easily tempted to buy unnecessary stuff. Have you ever wondered where did your monies goes? Set aside for monthly budget from necessity to leisure. When you are able to manage your finance well, you are able to save yourself from debts and trouble later. As for the wives, it is a good opportunity for managing your household expenditures. 

There is more aspect to cover in our life but these are common topic to raise up. Never give up and pursue your happiness. Start to love and embrace yourselves!
Happy International Women’s Day!

By Cherlyn Tan
CL Makeup Artistry
Enhancing Your God Given Beauty


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